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Education Support Provided for Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) Student(s) School Support Summary(22-23)

Education Support Provided for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Student(s)

School Support Summary for the 2022/23 School Year

Name of School:                                       True Light Girls’ College                                                                  

Our school was provided with additional funding by the Education Bureau in the 2022/23 school year. With reference to school-based circumstances, we provided support for our NCS students and assigned a dedicated teacher/team to coordinate relating matters. Details are as follows:

(1) With reference to the learning progress and needs of NCS students, our school adopted the following modes to enhance the support for learning of Chinese of NCS students in the 2022/23 school year:  

  • Appointing 1.7 additional teachers and 1 teaching assistant to support the learning of Chinese of NCS students.

In-class support provided in Chinese Language lessons:

  • Pull-out learning (Level(s): S1-S6)
  • Adopting a school-based Chinese Language curriculum and adapted learning and teaching materials (Level(s): S1-S5)

Other support:

Chinese learning groups (Level(s): S1-S4)

  • After School Tutorials on NCSS Chinese curriculum for Senior Form NCS Students (S4)
  • After School Tutorials on NCSS Chinese curriculum for Junior Form NCS Students (S1, S2-S3)
  • Paired-reading scheme for Junior Form NCS Students (S1)

(2) Our school’s measures for creating an inclusive learning environment included:

  • Translating major school circulars/important matters on school webpage
  • Organising activities which promote cultural integration:

         – Organising various festive activities to enrich NCSS understanding of traditional Chinese culture
         – Holding courses of tea ceremony in post examination period to enhance the understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture
         – Organising field trip for NCSS to enable them to develop a better understanding of traditional  Chinese architecture
         – NCS students were invited to Chinese restaurant to experience Chinese food culture

(3) Our school’s measures for promoting home-school cooperation with parents of NCS students included:

  • Appointing a teacher assistant who can speak English facilitating the communication with parents of NCS students
  • Discussing the learning progress (including learning of Chinese) of NCS students
    with their parents on a regular basis
  • Providing parents of NCS students with information on school choices/further
    studies/career pursuits for their children

For further enquiries about the education support our school provides for NCS students, please contact Mr. Wong Kai Chi at 2385 1491 .

2022/23 學年 為非華語學生提供的教育支援 學校支援摘要

學校名稱: 真光女書院
本校在 2022/23 學年獲教育局提供額外撥款,並配合校本情況,為該學年錄取的非華語學生提供支援。有關支援由專責教師/小組統籌。詳情如下︰

(一)本校按非華語學生的學習進度和需要,在 2022/23 學年採用以下方式加 強支援他們的中文學習︰

  • 聘請 1.7 名額外教師及 1 名教學助理,以支援非華語學生學習中文


  • 抽離學習(年級:中一至中六)
  • 採用校本中國語文課程及經調適的學與教材料(年級:中一至中五)



    中文學習小組(年級:中一至中四) 高中非華語學生課後中文補習班(中四) 初中非華語學生課後中文補習班 (非華語學生中文語文)(中一、中二至中三) 朋輩合作學習(中一)


(二) 本校建構共融校園的措施包括︰

  • 翻譯主要學校通告/學校網頁的重要事項
  •  舉辦促進文化共融的活動:
  • 舉辦不同的節日活動,讓非華語學生了解中國傳統文化
  • 舉辦中國茶道工作坊,讓非華語學生學習和體驗中國文化
  • 舉辦參觀活動,加深非華語學生對中國傳統建築的認識
  • 邀請非華語學生上茶樓,體驗中國飲食文化

(三) 本校向非華語學生家長推廣家校合作的措施包括︰

  • 聘請會說英語及的助理促進與非華語學生家長的溝通
  • 定期與非華語學生的家長討論其子女的學習進度(包括中文學習)
  • 為非華語學生的家長提供有關其子女選校/升學/就業的資訊

如就本校為非華語學生提供的教育支援有進一步查詢,請致電 2385 1491 與黃啟智老師聯絡。